Do you offer beginners yoga classes?
Yes, for private students and groups. Please call 518 222 7470 for more info
Can I take private classes even if I am a beginner?
Yes. Call me with any questions 518 222 7470
What is the cost of a private yoga class?
- Group private at your home or office within Saratoga City limits is $200 up to 90 minutes.
- 1st time private student $150 for 2 hours. Includes evaluation.
- Ongoing private yoga student 90 minutes $90.
What is Hatha Yoga?
Hatha Yoga is the first stage of yoga practice taught by the Natha Siddha lineage. It consists of 10 ethical disciplines, 10 spiritual considerations / observances, asanas – yoga postures, and cleansing exercises called kriyas.
Don’t I practice Hatha Yoga elsewhere?
Chances are you practice yoga asana, which is one aspect of Hatha Yoga, so the answer to your question is partially. However, modern vinyasa practices, power yoga, and some forms of hot yoga go completely against the philosophy of Hatha Yoga and are often calisthenic workouts mixed with some yoga postures, so they are not actually Hatha Yoga.
I am a Christian, will Hatha Yoga conflict with my religious beliefs?
Absolutely not! There is no mention of yoga, whatsoever, in The Bible. The confusion comes in because a verse in The Bible states that Christians should not associate with mystics. This reference to mystics is in regards to the type of ascetics that used to wander around the Middle East selling his/her mystic skills for profit, such as astrology, palm reading, etc etc… Hatha Yoga is simply a practice that incorporates ethics, spiritual observances, cleanse the body, and calms the mind. There were no Yogis in the Middle East at the time of Jesus so it is not possible for Jesus, or any other figure in The Bible to ban the practice of yoga. In fact, Pope John Paul invited the Dalia Lama to teach Tibetan Yoga (meditation) at the Vatican to help his Cardinals and priests relieve stress. Your religious beliefs are your personal choice.
But isn’t yoga a Hindu practice?
Yoga is a practice, Hinduism is a faith based religion. The yoga teachings are mentioned in many Hindu texts, but are considered separate from Hindu beliefs. You can be a Hindu who does not practice yoga, or a Yogi that doesn’t practice Hinduism. However, most Hindu priests will encourage their congregation to practice some form of yoga as well. A true yoga teacher or guru will accept students from any background; Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, etc. Your religious background is not important! Yoga is a practice and a lifestyle, not a religion.