
Functional Movement Group Class

6 Saturday’s Beginning February 22nd – March 29th 12:15 – 1:30 pm

Join me at Spa Park for a 6 week yoga somatics workshop. We focus on observing the sensation that results from slow calculated movements. These sensations inform us about our holding patterns that may be causing us discomfort or inhibiting a feeling of safety and balance. Each week we will go a little deeper learning more about our inner environment and discover the hidden gifts our bodies offer each of us.

This class is doable for most women and men. If you have questions regarding suitability of this class: please call me, Susan Cuda 518.222.7470. Leave a message and I will get back to you ASAP 😉

Props you’ll need for class each week:

  • 1 yoga mat
  • 1 blanket
  • 2 yoga blocks

$120.00Add to cart