Easy Vegan Chili & Cornbread Muffin Recipe
I love this vegan chili recipe by Martina Bantham. So easy and so satisfying. The ingredients are inexpensive and readily available. Make extra and freeze for next week, you’ll be glad you did!
17 Fish You Shouldn’t Eat…Ever!
This information was gathered from Oceania, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Dr Josh Axe. Plus I'd like to thank my sister Sharon for reducing the sheer volume of information into a bite size blog for our benefit. Take this list with you when food shopping and also reference...
What the Hell is WRONG with Everyone?
You meditate daily. You take Yoga classes diligently. You chant, pray, eat a healthy(ish) diet and try to avoid negativity at every turn. Yet perhaps on a basis more regular than you’d care to admit publicly, the statement that is the title of this blog enters...
What is your Blueprint ? by Brenda Stoeke
We understood through this experience that emotional stability is the key to building a life worth living. This allowed us to create a pathway to wellbeing of emotions: compassion, freedom and joy; Carmen and I set to work to healing our wounded emotions. The essence of the Blue Print began to form…..
Everything You Need to Know About Yoga for Kids
Stretching Their Skills -- Ultimate Guide to Yoga for Kids Share Pin Email WhatsApp Tweet SHARES1K Do you love yoga and you want your child to take part in your passion? Do you simply want your child to find a healthy way to let off some steam and stretch their body?...
Ayurveda Advice for Autumn By Bridgette Shea
Seasonal Change In Ayurveda, as in modern scientific research, the idea that seasonal change brings with it internal change is paramount to the optimal functioning of our minds and bodies. For example, researchers are now recognizing that seasonal change, and...
Meridian Connection Blog /The Liver & Gallbladder
“Wood Element/plant energy”
The Liver and Gallbladder meridians are connected to the emotion: anger.
The Meridian Connection Small Intestine & Heart By Bernadette Potratz
Healing comes from within. Each of us has a connection between our emotions and our physical being that supports or derails our health and well being. Only you are in control of yourself, no one else is. The process of healing begins though the opening your...
Got Aches, Pains & Tension? By Kelly Myszkowski
Got some aches, pains, tension, and stress you’d like to be free of? How would your life and health be even better without them? Many people I know would love to have more energy, flexibility, and, well… “feel like a kid again”. They’d also like to be...
Finding a Yoga Mat That Promotes Your Practice
When it comes to your yoga practice, there’s no better tool for advancement than listening to what your body is telling you. Your choice of environment, however, can also play a significant beneficial role. Choosing the right yoga mat may be vital to your continued training.